cath's blog

Thursday, February 23, 2006


Today is My husband Mark's 41st birthday! In just a few days I will be 37. I have never had a big hangup about age, getting older doesn't really bother me. The person who has the birthday in this house gets to choose what they want for their dinner. Now, with the kids its pizza or hamburgers or something typically easy. Dear husband, however, chose blackened chicken alfredo and orange cream cheesecake. Not too drastically hard, but time consuming. Oh well, he is worth it. Happy Birthday honey, I LOVE YOU!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Wisdom from a four year old

The other day Cecelia and I were discussing father Jon's move and she wanted to know why he had to leave. I told her the Archbishop decides which parish the priest is assigned to and father does whatever the Archbishope tells him. She looked up at me and asked "Is the Archbishop his wife?"

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

It can't be this easy this time!

I have lost 15 pounds in the last two weeks and two days! I literally have no appetite. So if I am going to have to force myself to eat, I am going to eat perfectly. That happened after one of my C-sections and I got almost thin. Till I got pregnant again! Plus I started running. I feel so much like my old self, running came back a lot easier than I thought it would. I have stopped all pop and have not had chocolate (and remarkably not wanted it). I wake up at five each morning and am getting so much more accomplished. Now, if only I wasn't so depressed about father leaving, things would be going great!

The Pact

I was talking to a dear friend of mine the other day and we decided we have had enough of all the clutter of stuff in ours houses, stuff we never use. So we have made a pact to help each other let go of stuff we do not use. It is our Lenten resolution. My kids have closets full of clothes, most of which they will never wear. So why have it? I have done part of my kitchen and have gotten rid of lots of pans and waffle maker, deep fryer etc..., things I never use. Today I am doing the little girl's room. I am throwing out almost all of the toys. They get to keep the Dora dollhouse and things that go with it, but everything else goes. There are no less that 10 blankets on their bed. After their room is mine. My theory is that if my kids have 3 toys each, the most I would have to pick up would be 21, rather than 300 each which leaves me where I am now, A HUGE mess. Wish me luck!