cath's blog

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Friday Night Fish Frys

Our parish had it first Lenten fish fry Friday. We are small rural parish, but it is amazing how big this has become. We served 570 people this past week which is around 100 more than we had for the first one last year. We had one last year that we served 900 people! It is a ton of work, but it is also so much fun. Kids who need community service hours clear tables and all kinds of stuff, there are even kids who don't need hours who do it. Its a great deal for everyone. People rave about the food and how much they get (although, I kinda think it not in the spirit of Lent to pig out). It is our big money maker for the building and maintenance fund.


At 10:36 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

The last fish fry that I went to, in Goodland, Kansas, the fish fillets weren't cooked thru. Gag!! I don't believe I've been to one since.


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