cath's blog

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Distractions and throwing up

Today at Mass there was this high pitched beeping noise that was so loud. No one ever figured out what it was. Someone thought maybe it was a hearing aid. Whatever it was, it was so distracting. It started right about when Father started his homily and continued through a large part of it (which was really good by the way). It finally stopped and then started up again several different times. It was the kind of noise where you have to squirm a little just listening to it. On the upside, things like that make me pray a little harder. Distraction are only as powerful as we let them be. I know taking the little ones to Mass everyday has given me the discipline to keep a close eye on them and yet really focus on what is going on. Well after Mass, the PTO had a breakfast and now I have an hour or two then it is off to a ball game which I will leave early to go to Holy Hour (my kids know I will not miss a Holy Hour for any ball game, and I have never heard any of them complain). Then, I will relax with the kiddos. They got back at 10:30 last night and two of them were sick. I was nice and comfy on the couch with Monica and Cecelia starts throwing up! Not quite the homecoming I was thinking of.


At 9:12 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

I'm hoping everyone is better now. The crud has been going around our house, too. It was my turn yesterday. I thought it would kill me.


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